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Join us to worship and focus on the Lord.

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Frank Reed Rd Nogales AZ 85621

Services This Week

(Spanish translation available through Headsets)

English Worship Service 10:45 am

A Letter from our Pastor

My name is Michael Sheldon, and I am excited to be a part of Nogales and First Baptist Church. God has brought my family and me to a wonderful place where we have come to know caring and kind people. I want to invite you to come and see what life in Christ is all about. We would love to meet you.There is always room for us to make new friends and to grow our Christian family. We hope to see you soon! Our Sunday gathering begins at 10:45 am and we provide safe childcare and Spanish translation.
Michael Sheldon, Pastor

Mi nombre es Michael Sheldon, y estoy emocionado de ser parte de Nogales y de la Primera Iglesia Bautista. Dios nos ha traído a mi familia y a mí a un lugar maravilloso donde hemos llegado a conocer a personas cariñosas y amables. Quiero invitarlos a que vengan y vean de qué se trata la vida en Cristo. Nos encantaría conocerte. Siempre hay espacio para que hagamos nuevos amigos y hagamos crecer nuestra familia cristiana. ¡Esperamos verte pronto! Nuestra reunión dominical comienza a las 10:45 a.m. y brindamos cuidado infantil seguro y traducción al español.
Michael Sheldon, Pastor

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First Baptist Church of Nogales

Join us to worship, learn, and focus on the Lord.

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office @fbcnogales.org

(520) 281-1677

9am-2pm Monday, Thursday,

and Friday

Find Us 

1916 N. Frank Reed Rd Nogales AZ 85621

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First Baptist Church of Nogales

Contact Us

office @fbcnogales.org

(520) 281-1677

9am-2pm Monday, Thursday,

and Friday